
Displaying German Characters in Space Manager V2

Hint Ref: 020706250001
Hint Date: 25/06/2007

Hint Details:

The following appears to work:


1.   Run: C:\program Files\Borland\Common Files\BDE\BDEADMIN.EXE
2.   Select: Configuration/Drives/ODBC/Adaptive Server Anywhere 8
     And change the LANGDRIVER to "Paradox 'int' 850"
3.   Select the 'Object' menu and 'Apply'
4.   Shut down Space Manager and re-open it (if already open)

If the Space Manager ODBC exists already, update it also;

5. On the 'Databases' tab, click the Space Manager ODBC name. 
   Change LANGDRIVER to "Paradox 'int' 850"